An Oak Framed Retirement Cottage

Published by Oliver on

A neighbour commissioned us to help build an oak framed cottage on his land as a retirement project. Such projects are rarely relaxing.

Retirement project

A retired farmer with a small holding and passion for tractors, he lived in a house on the land but wanted to build a larger eco-friendly house next door.

Sympathetic building

The new building had to be in sympathy with the listed buildings around it, including a 17th century farm house. He designed the house himself with an oak framed frontage, made with traditional methods.

Planning problems

Initially he had difficulty getting planning permission. Once the relevant approvals were obtained, however, Oliver Gibbs was commissioned to make the windows, porch and oak frame for the cottage.

Oak framing

Storm casement windows were made out of oak in the workshop, along with the structure of the house. The beams were then transported next door and were fixed with handmade pegs.

Modern homestead

The lime mortar nicely frames the finished oak framed front. It looks like a traditional Shropshire homestead but has the benefits of a modern ecological home such as panels for heating the water.

Relaxing cottage

Taking on a building project is not for the fainthearted and is rarely a relaxing way to spend your retirement. But the resulting home was worth it, providing a great retirement cottage to rear a few pigs and chickens!

For a quote for timber framing in Shropshire, please contact our Shrewsbury Carpenters and Joiners.


Categories: NewsProjects


Oliver Gibbs is a carpenter and joiner in Shrewsbury who provides ethical carpentry and joinery services throughout Shropshire.


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