Find us on Facebook

Published by Oliver on

Oliver Gibbs Carpentry & Joinery can now be found on Facebook, and you will find more than just a news page.

The social network site, Facebook, currently claims 800 million users. It is different from a static website in that it allows you to connect and interact with individuals and businesses.

Find us

Oliver Gibbs Carpentry & Joinery can now be found on Facebook at olivergibbscarpentry. To follow and interact with us, you simply need a free Facebook account and to click ‘like’ above the page.

Why bother?

Ideal homes start with ideas, and it can just take one or two ideas to transform a good home into an ideal home.  By clicking ‘like’ on olivergibbscarpentry, you’ll access an exclusive ‘fan’ page and…

  • Get ideas for home improvements;
  • Tap into trade secrets;
  • Be the first to get our offers;
  • See photos of our work progress;
  • Read and leave reviews of our work;

To get started, visit olivergibbscarpentry. Spread the word by clicking on the share buttons below.

And if you want our carpenters in Shrewsbury to help make your home improvement ideas into reality, do get in touch for a free quote.

Categories: News


Oliver Gibbs is a carpenter and joiner in Shrewsbury who provides ethical carpentry and joinery services throughout Shropshire.


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