Complaint Resolution

At Oliver Gibbs Carpentry & Joinery we aim to achieve customer satisfaction.

However, if clients are unhappy about our carpenters’ work, practices or price, we have a clear complaints procedure to resolve problems.

Step 1.

Oliver Gibbs will try and resolve any difficulties with the client.  When a client becomes aware of a problem, they should contact us as soon as possible stating what the problem is and what he or she would like done about it.  Oliver Gibbs is committed to dealing with complaints constructively and fairly.

Step 2.

If that does not succeed, the client can take the complaint to the Citizen’s Advice Consumer Helpline  (0808 223 1133). They can provide practical advice and may pass on the details of the complaint to Shropshire Trading Standards. Trading Standards Service will work to resolve the dispute with the parties.

Step 3.

If intervention by Trading Standards fails to lead to a resolution, the client can seek an Alternative Dispute Resolution which Trading Standards will suggest. Alternatively, as a last resort, they could go to court.

Our complaints procedure is given to all our clients in our written term and conditions. We tell people about our complaint resolution policy as part of our commitment to ethical trading.

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