
Oliver Gibbs provides free quotes to clients.


Our quotations describe the job and state the cost of materials and labour. Quotes are based on the information and plans provided by you and are valid for 40 days. If you have particular requirements for materials, like a certain make of kitchen unit or type of door handle, please give us the exact specifications.


A quotation provides you with a fixed price and will only change if you change your plans or if the price of materials goes up unexpectedly.  In such cases, we will provide you with a revised quote to agree upfront. Where it is not possible to provide an exact quote, we may be able to provide an estimate, stating the approximate expected cost.


For large jobs, a deposit will be required prior to the commencement of works and a schedule of staggered payments will be agreed with you. A typical schedule would be a payment of 25% as a deposit, 25% when half way through the project, and 50% upon completion.

Check our availability | More on payment | How to work well with your carpenter